Výjimky pro Edenred Benefits | Edenred

Výjimky pro Edenred Benefits | Edenred

Czech Republic

ČEDOK - cestovní kancelář

Edenred Holiday, Edenred Multi and Edenred Compliments vouchers must be used in their full value. The vouchers can only be used to book a tour, they cannot be used to pay the remaining amount. The vouchers can be used to pay the base price of a tour - i.e. without additional services and surcharges. In the case of "last minute" tours, the vouchers can only be used up to a maximum of 5,000 CZK per participant. It is also not possible to apply discounts to these final sales. For foreign trips, the maximum payment in vouchers is 20,000 CZK per participant. For domestic tours, the maximum payment in vouchers is 5,000 CZK per reservation, i.e. for services provided to all passengers travelling together. In the case of an "early purchase" discount, the discount is only calculated from the amount not paid with vouchers. Other discounts cannot be applied. The vouchers can only be used for services from Čedok catalogs - not for fixed price tours. The Holiday voucher cannot be exchanged for cash, even in the event of cancellation of services. In the event of cancellation of services, the voucher is used to pay a cancellation fee or part of it, and Čedok will offer a replacement service in the amount of the difference between the value of the voucher and the cancellation fee (it does not provide a refund). Terms of use of Edenred Benefits cards at CK ČEDOK establishments Payment with the Edenred Benefits card is only possible when paying for stays-tours in accordance with § 1 of Act no. 159/1999 Coll. The Edenred Benefits electronic voucher can only be used to pay the base price of a tour, i.e. without additional services and surcharges. Only the first deposit can be paid with the Edenred Benefits electronic voucher, i.e. it only applies to newly purchased tours and cannot be requested retroactively upon payment of the remaining amount of previously purchased tours. For foreign tours, the maximum payment with the Edenred Benefits card is 20,000 CZK per traveler. In "last minute" tours, this limit is only 5,000 CZK per traveler. For domestic tours, the maximum payment with the Edenred Benefits card is 5.000 CZK per reservation, i.e. for services provided for all passengers travelling together, or persons staying together in one accommodation unit. In the event of "early purchase" discounts, the discount is only calculated for the reservation from the amount not paid with the Edenred Benefits card. No other discounts can be applied in payments with the Edenred Benefits card. Payments with the Edenred Benefits card cannot be exchanged for cash, even in the event of cancellation of a tour. If a tour is cancelled, a cancellation fee or part of the fee is paid with the Edenred Benefits card. The provider-CK will offer the customer a replacement service in the amount of the difference between the amount paid with the Edenred Benefits card and the cancellation fee. If the customer does not use this option, the difference will be forfeited in favor of the provider-CK.

CK Brenna

Conditions for payment of Edenred voucher:

  • The vouchers can be used for the whole offer of all tours up to 12.000, - CZK / person (catalog offer, special discount offer and last minute offer), up to 50% of the basic price of the trip per travel contract.
  • Vouchers must be applied at their full value (cash is not refunded).
  • Vouchers can only be applied until the date marked on them.
  • Vouchers can not be exchanged for cash, even if a stay or a trip is canceled; in which case the amount paid, after deduction of possible cancellation fees, will be transferred to a stay or trip in another term based on the user`s choice of vouchers, subject to the legal conditions; if the user does not agree to a transfer or stay in another date, this amount will be forfeited to the organizing travel agency.
  • In the case of printing additional information on the voucher (eg the restriction that only a particular customer may use it), they must be respected.
  • Payment with vouchers is required to be reported in advance, at the latest when booking a trip, and the total amount of vouchers applied must also be included in the travel contract.
  • Vouchers can only be used to pay the basic price of the trip (excluding extra services and extra charges).
  • Any discounts are provided only from a supplement - the difference between the basic price of the trip and the payment in vouchers; all discounts listed in the catalog (for timely purchase, client discounts, etc.) can be provided.

Výstaviště Flora Olomouc a.s.

Edenred CZ s.r.o. vouchers can be used to buy tickets for events organized by Výstaviště Flora Olomouc a.s. according to the following list: Seasonal operation of botanical gardens and rose gardens - Bezručovy sady, Seasonal operation in greenhouses - Smetanovy sady


The travel agency accepts vouchers for up to 50% per travel contract. The maximum amount payable by voucher is 10,000 CZK per travel contract. For last minute tours, the maximum amount payable by vouchers is 5,000 CZK per travel contract. In the event of the cancellation of services, a customer who paid for part of the tour with vouchers will be refunded for the amount paid reduced by a cancellation fee according to the cancellation conditions of CA Klíč, s.r.o., and further reduced by 10% of the amount paid by vouchers. The vouchers can only be used to pay the remaining price of a tour and not a deposit if the time between the booking and the tour is longer than 45 days. If this time is shorter, the trip must be paid in full with both vouchers and money.


Here you can pay for a tour with Edenred Holiday and Edenred Multi vouchers

Voucher acceptance terms: General terms and conditions of paying with Edenred vouchers in travel agencies.The vouchers can be used for the entire offer of all tours up to the amount of 12, 000 CZK, and up to a maximum of 50 % of the total price per travel contract.For last minute tours, only 25 % of the full price can be paid with vouchers.For first minute tours or with the child for free, senior or other discount, you can pay a maximum of 35 % of the total price per travel contract with vouchers. The vouchers must be used in their full value.Payment by vouchers must be reported in advance, at the latest when booking a tour, and the total amount paid by vouchers must be included in the travel contract.The vouchers can be used to pay the base price of a tour(without additional services and surcharges).Any discounts are provided only on the remaining payment - the difference between the price of the tour and the payment in vouchers.The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash, even if a tour or stay is cancelled.If a tour is cancelled, the travel agency is obliged to offer the voucher owner another tour or stay in the value of the vouchers.When paying with a voucher, discounts from the Sunrise travel agency such as customer loyalty cards, gift vouchers, discount vouchers, etc., cannot be applied.

Student Agency

Edenred Multi and Edenred Holiday vouchers can be used to pay for:

ELanguage stays

European weekends


Edenred Compliments vouchers can be used to pay for:

Language stays

European weekends


Airline tickets

Edenred Benefits Academica vouchers can only be used to pay for language stays.

Edenred benefits can be used with Edenreds partner STUDENT AGENCY for a contribution of up to 12,000 CZK per travel contract. When paying with these benefits, you will not be charged a handling fee.

The vouchers must be used in their full value (you cannot receive change). The customer must announce payment by vouchers in advance, at the latest when booking a service. The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash, not even if a tour, stay or airline ticket is cancelled. In this case, the part of the price paid by vouchers will be returned to you in the form of a STUDENT AGENCY gift certificate of the same value.


Edenred Holiday vouchers can be used to pay for:

Hotel accommodation with breakfast, half board, full board - 5% discount on retail

3-day active rest package - 5% discount on the package price

5-day Wellness package – 5% discount on the package price

Other conditions:

Edenred Holiday vouchers cannot be used to pay for already discounted stays or special offers.Please announce your payment with Edenred Holiday vouchers when booking your stay.


We accept Edenred Holiday and Edenred Multi vouchers

The vouchers can be used for amounts up to 12,000 CZK, but for no more than 50% of the total amount per travel contract (last minute tours up to 5,000 CZK), and this must be calculated from the base price of the accommodation (not from any additional fees or charges).The vouchers must be used in their full value and may be used only until the date listed on them.They cannot be exchanged for cash, i.e. you cannot receive cash change.

"Discounts for early booking" and "All-year discounts for loyal customers" are calculated from the remaining amount after deducting the vouchers.The vouchers cannot be applied for group stays and tours.

Kudrna - travelling through space and time

Terms of acceptance of Edenred Multi and Edenred Holiday vouchers when purchasing tours at CK

Kudrna - cesty prostorem i časem

The vouchers can be used for the entire offer of all foreign tours.For tours up to a price of 30,000 CZK, you can use the vouchers to pay a maximum of 50% of the base price. For tours with a price over 30,000 CZK, you can use the vouchers to pay a maximum of 30% of the base price.You cannot use the vouchers to pay a deposit or purchase airline tickets. The vouchers must be delivered without obvious interference or defects, without a signature and stamp. If the voucher has been devalued by another entity, the voucher will not be accepted. The vouchers must be used in their full value during their validity period. Unused voucher funds will not be refunded.

In the event of the cancellation of a tour by the client, the cancellation fees (see table) will first be deducted from money paid in cash or by bank transfer, and then from the amount paid by vouchers. The remaining funds can be returned to clients in the form of vouchers, or transferred to another tour in the same year or the next year. If the funds are not used within the specified deadline, the remaining amount will be forfeited to CK Kudrna.CK Kudrna cancellation fees for tour cancellation:

More than 60 days before departure - 150 CZK

60 - 41 days before departure - 20% of the tour price

40 - 21 days before departure - 40% of the tour price

20 - 8 days before departure - 61% of the tour price

7 - 2 days before departure - 82% of the tour price

1 - 0 days before departure - 100% of the tour price


Terms of acceptance of Edenred Multi and Edenred Holiday vouchers when purchasing tours or accommodation:

To purchase a tour or accommodation, you first have to pay the necessary amount by a usual payment method. On the basis of the funds received, we can send a binding tour booking request to the organizing travel agency.You can then use the above-mentioned type of voucher to pay part of the tour price or accommodation (up to a maximum of 50% of the total price, but no more than 12,000 CZK; this offer does not apply to airline tickets).Please send the vouchers by registered mail in the form of an insured letter to our address (or personally deliver them to our branch office). Once they are delivered to us, we will credit them to your bank account. We reserve the right to refuse the vouchers.


Invia.cz charges a fee of 1% of the amount paid with by card for every card payment. This fee also applies to payment with the Edenred Benefits card, but it does not apply to voucher payments. CK clients are informed of this fact on Invias website http://www.invia.cz/o-invia/moznosti-platby/, as well as in Invias Terms and Conditions: http://www.invia.cz/obchodni-podminky/. Specifically in the following paragraph of the Terms and Conditions: 3.7 Unless expressly provided otherwise, the Customer may be charged a handling fee in the amount previously announced by Invia when paying by card. Payments from abroad and to foreign countries are only possible after prior agreement with an Invia employee, and bank charges are always paid by the Customer.

Blue Style Travel Agency

Payments by Edenred Benefits voucher or Edenred Benefits Card are accepted by CK Blue Style only for sold tours at regular branches or through www.blue-style.cz.

The maximum amount of a Edenred Benefits or Edenred Benefits Card payment is 20 000 CZK.

When using Edenred Benefits or Edenred Card vouchers, other reimbursements cannot be combined with other benefit programs.

Der Touristik CZ a.s. (CK FISCHER, EXIM TOURS)

Benefity lze uplatnit pouze na zájezdy pořádané DER Touristik CZ (EXIM tours, CK Fischer, Nev-Dama, E-travel). Uplatnění benefitů klient nahlásí před sepsáním smlouvy o zájezdu. Prodejce tuto skutečnost uvede do poznámky „bez nároku.“


  • uplatnit do hodnoty 50 % z celkové ceny zájezdu, maximálně však do výše 20 000 Kč za daný zájezd (SOZ)
  • kombinovat s dárkovými poukazy
  • kombinovat s reklamačními poukazy
  • kombinovat s ceninami
  • uplatnit na charterové letence i na samostatném ubytování


  • kombinovat s firemními slevami
  • kombinovat s bonus body zákaznických karet
  • využít na nákup letenky na pravidelné lince
  • využít na smlouvu na vyžádání jako prvotní záloha

Ze strany klienta lze benefity využít na storno poplatky (pokud byl benefit ve vyšší částce bude tento přeplatek vrácen zpět na Benefity), nelze vyplatit v hotovosti.
V případě storna zájezdu ze strany CK budou připsané body vráceny na Benefity, pokud to je možné, nelze vyplatit v hotovosti.